Time Passes, Things Happen, People Change
by Ape Suit
Ape suit is Corey, a human from Earth (probably). Corey likes nature, art, 20hz - 90hz and being really kind. His thoughts are generally things like: What does it mean to be human? What the fuck is actually going on here? We assume he also thinks things like, “is that kick sitting right” or “is that snare EQ’ed correctly,” however those thoughts have yet to be confirmed. What we do know its that you will thoroughly enjoy listening to his latest EP with the beautifully tragic sounding title: Time Passes, Things Happen, People Change The EP is like floating on tranquil waters with some of the most heartfelt thoughts drifting through your mind. The tunes sit on warm beddings of bass, dubstep beats and some lush frequencies that remind you of why it is OK to be human. We encourage you to give it a listen as it may help you regain some faith and hope in humanities journey forward.