Keep Quiet & Listen
by Ape Suit
Ape Suit is one of the artists that excites us more with every new release. This time he ventures into Halftime DnB, with two tunes that hit the spot on Keep Quiet & Listen. The tunes ride an impressive bed of bass, in fact when it hits you might find yourself calling out names of deities or exclaiming other profanities in a moment of profound delight. In addition to fine low end, the tunes feature haunting melodies and intricate percussion that will tickle most brain itches and have you scratching your head for more. The title tune features Badmon on vocals, who, since his move from the Northeast of USA to California has worked with a number of top west coast talent including ill.Gates and Shlump, this time he flexes those New York vibes with some slick lyrics. The EP also features a clean version for radio play as well as an instrumental for those of your that just want to go deep with this vibe. Ape suit is Corey, a human from Earth (probably). Corey likes nature, art, 20hz - 90hz and being really kind. His thoughts are generally things like: What does it mean to be human? What the fuck is actually going on here?