by Hypha
Hypha has been living in Barcelona, but is from and frequently returns to Humboldt California, the EP Whispers reflects the influences of US west coast future-bass artists like NastyNasty, or Canadian Lunice as much as it does EU experimental artists like Hudson Mohawke or the Lucky Me crew. The EP Whispers features passionate vocals by Hypha, dissonant synth leads and lightly hyped up stabs, all riding a very low low-end, the result is some of the sweetest robot sex we've heard.Producer / instrumentalist / vocalist Hypha has branched off from the norm to develop one of the most unique sounds fueling the future-bass revolution. Carefully crafting his skills and contributing to the evolution of modern sound with his specialized blend of synthesized, rhythmic bass poetry since 2008. He's heralding a new artistic avant-garde with his exceptional attention to detail and his ability to make each note count. He uncompromisingly delivers danceability, while offering a wealth of dimension to cerebrally swim in. Each track offers an exemplification of his greatest asset - his limitless range.