by Hypha
Hypha fried our minds last year with his EP Whispers, his recent remixes of Bevvy Swift and Psymbionic and the release of his tune ‘Supra’ on Gravitas Recordings have pushed the envelope even further with genre blurring from DnB, to Trap and Footwork / Juke and a whole bunch in between. On Murmurs , Hypha continues to go even further into the creative abyss, working with vocalists like Wink and Haiku Funkplus to create unique flows and melodies, with grooves sometimes melancholy, sometimes twisted beyond genre categorization and more often than not, it’s something sweet that will have your innards feeling giddy with something akin to joy. Producer / instrumentalist / vocalist Hypha has branched off from the norm to develop one of the most unique sounds fueling the future-bass revolution. Carefully crafting his skills and contributing to the evolution of modern sound with his specialized blend of synthesized, rhythmic bass poetry since 2008. He’s heralding a new artistic avant-garde with his exceptional attention to detail and his ability to make each note count. He uncompromisingly delivers danceability, while offering a wealth of dimension to cerebrally swim in. Each track offers an exemplification of his greatest asset - his limitless range. Sounds like: Nasty Nasty, Lucky Me, Zomby ...