by Hypha, ONHELL, Wu Wei
If there ever was a soundtrack to someone bouncing around in a paisley pink and blue padded room in an asylum for the happily insane, this could be it. Dosed on a solid regimen of comfort and bliss, every so often the room tilts sideways and you roll smiling into another softly padded wall. Hypha has truly outdone himself this time with glitches produced with such care that they appear gentle and comforting, twists that seem like a good idea every time they happen and a good amount of melody and use of atmospheric pads to warm the whole thing up. Hypha fried our minds last year with his EP Whispers, his recent remixes of Bevvy Swift and Psymbionic and the release of his tune ‘Supra’ on Gravitas Recordings have pushed the envelope even further with genre blurring from DnB, to Trap and Footwork / Juke and a whole bunch in between. Sounds like: Andreilien, Nasty Nasty, XXYYXX, Zomby etc